Workout Anytime in Easley Progress in an article titled, "
New gym pumps up fitness opportunities." The article begins with information about the final stages to complete the EasleyWorkout Anytime, and the success of the Anderson Workout Anytime location. The article talks about the price and services offered and then goes into why Workout Anytime is such an attractive option. The article ends by talking about the fact that personal trainers are available and with a quote from a member. Click
here for the entire article or begin below.
By: Lonnie Adamson
EASLEY – Success of a 24-hourfitness franchise in Anderson has spurred the addition of the brand to Easley by late September.
Greg Powers, owner of the AndersonWorkout Anytime, was meeting flooring contractors and potential customers at the Easley location Tuesday, ramping up for the Sept. 15 delivery of workout equipment.
“We have set company records for growth,” Powers said of the Anderson location near Hamericks on Clemson Boulevard.
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