Sunday, February 25, 2024

Is Squatting Deep Important?


If you spend time in a gym you have seen many people do barbell squats, and you may have heard the phrase “ass to grass”.   This often-repeated myth implies that it is very important to squat down really low, but is that true?

Based on available research, outcomes and consideration of risk vs reward, deep squats are one of the most over-rated exercises.   Deep squats only improve deep squatting and have a very small advantage for increasing the size of your quadriceps muscle group (front of the thigh).   This advantage is a whopping 4% - and there are safer ways to maximize quadriceps growth!

If you are focused on competing in Olympic Weightlifting – which requires very deep squatting - then deep squats make sense.   For the rest of us – including most athletes – there is no evidence that going that low provides benefits and it is much riskier for the low back!

Pain Free Range of Motion

Exercises should be performed through the largest range of motions that is pain-free and without compensation.   Compensation means breaking form which is NEVER advisable because that is a great way to get injured!

Research Shows the Following:

EMG activity (muscle use) is similar for shallow and deep squats.

Strength is range of motion specific to some extent so you should think about deep squats if and only if you are training to be able to do deep squats for an activity like Olympic Weightlifting.

There may actually be an advantage to shallow squats with heavier weight for improving power and athletic performance (think sprinting and jumping).

There are people who can squat very deeply without causing low back problems but for many the butt will tuck under when they try to squat too low - see the picture in this article.   This is a great way to get hurt so do not push to go lower than your body is ready for, and work with a knowledgeable trainer who knows how to work with your particular anatomy to prevent this from happening if you feel you need to squat lower! 


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Using Eccentric Exercise to Build Fast-Twitch Muscle Safely!


As we age we age, we progressively lose muscle mass each year, and specifically we lose fast-twitch muscle fiber.   Fast-twitch Muscle fibers are key for strength and function.  Once this process (known as sarcopenia) progresses beyond a certain point people are no longer able to perform common activities of daily living like getting up and down from chairs, walking up and down stairs, etc.

We can use eccentric-dominant strength training to target fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Studies on Eccentric Training

A study in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise compared the effects of an eccentric-dominant resistance training protocol with a traditional training program in older individuals who had an average age of 68. Resistance Training was done twice a week for 16 weeks. 

The traditional training group did sets of 10 reps at 75 percent of the 1RM (1 Repetition Maximum – meaning 75% of the weight they could lift 1 time).

The eccentric dominant training group did sets of  10 repetitions using a weight that was 50 percent of the 1RM.  They performed the concentric/lifting portion of the lift with both arms/legs.  Then they did the lowering/eccentric phase slowly with one arm or leg.  This allowed them to lower double the weight they lifted up.  The lowering phase is the eccentric phase of an exercise.

Strength and Fall Prevention Benefits of Eccentric Training

The eccentric-dominant group had greater increases in strength at higher movement speeds, indicating greater fast-twitch muscle development. The traditional training group gained strength as well but only at slower movement speeds.  This is important for avoiding falls because you must be able to produce force quickly to prevent falls such as when you are recovering from a stumble or trip.

Additionally, eccentric training is proven to increase hypertrophy (muscle growth), making it an ideal antidote for age-related muscle loss.

Eccentric dominant training is also proven to be better for improving performance on “functional” tests that may be applicable to everyday life such as the speed at which one can walk six meters. The eccentric-enhanced group improved significantly more than the traditional group in this area! 

Research has proven that strength training is critical for older people because without it, there will be a rapid and pronounced functional loss of muscle size, strength, and functional movement ability.

Of interest - the eccentric training group's rating of their perceived exertion during the eccentric exercise was lower than those doing traditional resistance training - meaning it felt easier to them! This is good news for older individuals, anyone who is new to exercise, or anyone bored with their workout. 

The reACT Trainer is the ideal tool for doing eccentric training safely.  It is an eccentric dominant exercise and simultaneously improves balance, timing, coordination and increases fast-twitch muscle fibers!



Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arnica - The Best Kept Secret for Sports Injuries!


Sooner or later we all experience a traumatic physical injury from a fall; contact during sports; from a dental procedure or surgery; or twisting or straining joints or muscles.   While over the counter pain relievers like Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen reduce pain they come with a list of potentially serious side effects.  

Fortunately, there is an excellent homeopathic remedy that can safely be used by anyone and brings with it zero drug interactions!  That remedy is made from the herb Arnica Montana or Arnica for short.    It is also known as Leopard’s Bane, Mountain Tobacco or Wolf’s Bane.   In addition to its pain-relieving properties, Arnica also reduces inflammation from traumatic injury.  

In fact, it is so successful in reducing inflammation, bruising and swelling from traumatic injury that it is routinely prescribed by plastic surgeons because excess post-surgery inflammation and swelling can negatively affect the results of these surgeries.

Arnica is a flowing perennial plant related to the Daisy and Sunflower – so those with allergies to either of these flowers should avoid using the actual herb.

Homeopathic Arnica is derived from the herb but like all homeopathic remedies is NOT the same as an herbal remedy.  To produce homeopathic Arnica the herb is harvested, chopped up and placed in a container with alcohol and left for approximately one month.   Then the particulate matter is strained out so that the alcohol is left which acts as a solvent and is full of all the plant chemicals from Arnica.

This liquid is known as “Mother Tincture”.  Next, they take one drop of this liquid and mix it with either 9 drops or 99 drops of alcohol and the mixture is shaken through a particular process known as succession.     The dilution is now either 1 part per 10 or 1 part per 100.     This process is repeated again using the diluted mixture – one drop mixed with either 10 drops or 100 drops.     The liquid is then poured onto small pellets of lactose.  Depending on how many times this process is repeated determines a homeopathic remedy’s “potency” and there are several potency scales used in homeopathy:

Decimal potencies which come marked as 3X, 6X, 100X, etc.  Centesimal potencies which come marked as 3C, 9C, 12C, 30C, or 1M(1,000 dilutions) and 10M (10,000 dilutions)  

So How Do Homeopathic Remedies Produce Effects Since They are so Diluted?

The key to understanding how homeopathic remedies work is understanding the process of hormesis.  Hormesis refers to a biphasic dose response to a chemical whereby an extremely low dose can cause stimulation and beneficial effect on a biological system and a higher dose can cause an inhibitory or toxic effect.   Put another way hormesis refers to the fact that a beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) can result from exposure to low doses of an agent that is other toxic at higher doses.   

There are many examples of hormesis including physical stress from lifting weights – provide enough load and stress and not too much and the body gets stronger – try to lift too much weight or do too much weight lifting too soon and injury results.

In the case of many beneficial plant chemicals – these phytochemicals are actually known toxins which at high doses produce negative or toxic effects but at low doses stimulate a positive adaptive response by the body.

So -  dose is VERY important!

How do you use Arnica for injuries?

Homeopathic Remedies are produced in strict compliance with pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Processes in FDA inspected facilities.   They usually come in small tubes full of pellets of lactose with a twist top that allows you to select 3 – 5 pellets.  You simply place them under your tongue and allow them to dissolve.  Dosage instructions are included on the tubes and a tube of homeopathic Arnica is very inexpensive - $6 - $9 for many doses worth!

To treat any traumatic injury, take 3 – 5 pellets and repeat as often as every 15 minutes until you feel improvement.   There is no possibility of overdose or poisoning.  The best potency for most injuries is 30C but any potency you find will work.  For really serious injuries look for 200C potency.      

Once you experience how effective this remedy can be you will want to have it with you all the time!

Topical Arnica

Arnica can also be used topically and comes in the form of gels, creams, liquids.  This form of Arnica is herbal meaning that it DOES contain significant quantities of plant chemicals from Arnica, and it is proven to be highly effective for traumatic injury.   It should NOT be used on any broken skin, and no form of herbal Arnica should every be taken internally!

You can use both topical Arnica and homeopathic Arnica in cases like sprains, strains and impact injuries without broken skin.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Reverse Lunge with Wood Chop Exercise


Everyone knows that lunges are a great lower body exercise targeting glutes, hamstrings and quads.  However, if you have not tried the reverse lunge with a wood chop – you are in for a real treat!  By adding a strong rotational component, you dramatically increase glute and core activation.    It also adds a whole new level of stability and balance challenge.

You can start by using a broomstick and graduate to using something heavier including a dumbbell or barbell or any other weighted bar.

Start with feet together facing forward with hands spread apart and holding the object on both ends with hands at shoulder level and arms extended.

Then as you step back into the lunge with one leg rotate the hand down and to the opposite side of the leg stepping back – pausing briefly at the bottom with upper body rotated to the side – then return to the starting position and repeat to the other side.

Start of with sets of 10 – repetitions done 3 times and progress from there in terms on increased weight and/or sets.

To get a good picture of how to do this effective exercise check out this video: