Monday, June 28, 2021

The Perfect Supplement for Anxiety, Sleep, and Stress!


What if someone told you there was an inexpensive nutrition supplement proven to be completely safe that has solid research proving that it can:

Immediately and dramatically reduce anxiety with zero sedation or side effects.

Improves mental focus and concentration.

Quickly reduces the stress hormone cortisol.

Reduces Beta Brain Waves associated with anxiety and fear.

Increases Alpha Brain Waves associated with relaxation and meditation.

Proven to offset stress induced Immune Suppression.

Improves Sleep:

Decreases time to fall asleep.

Decreases night-time awakenings.

Increases the amount of Deep, Restorative Sleep.

Improves Memory and Mental Capacity.

Sound too good to be true?   It’s NOT!

How Does Pharmagaba Work?

Pharmagaba is a unique, patented form of GABA that crosses the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB for short).     GABA is a neurotransmitter that that balances out the excitatory neurotransmitters like Norepinephrine aka noradrenalin.

Although GABA supplements have been around for a while regular GABA supplements are completely ineffective because they do not cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).   The BBB is exactly what it sounds like – a chemical gateway designed to protect the brain from toxins and infections.

Unlike regular GABA supplements Pharmagaba crosses the BBB!   This allows it to quickly change your mental state from a sympathetic dominant state to a parasympathetic state.      A sympathetic dominant state means you are stressed out and anxious and feeling on edge whereas a parasympathetic dominant state is when you are relaxed and calm.

To learn more about Pharmagaba watch this short but highly informative video going through all the benefits and research:

The best supplement on the market is Pharmagaba from Natural Factors.    It is offered in chewables or capsules.   For maximum effects buy the Pharma GABA 250mg version which can be purchased through Amazon or Iherb online.  Do NOT confuse GABA with Pharmagaba – you will only experience benefits if you use the patented Pharmagaba form.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Everything You Wanted to Know About Protein for Muscle Building - Part 2


If you have not read Part 1 check it out first!

Amino Acids 101

All proteins are made up of amino acids. Your body can produce some amino acids, but others – called essential amino acids – must be consumed.     If your body lacks any of the essential amino acids you cannot create muscle proteins.     

Studies have been done to determine the optimal mix of amino acids to generate the highest level of protein utilization.     

Several companies offer essential amino acid powders using the optimal mix of amino acids including Perfect Amino, Optimal Amino, Fortagen, Kion Amino Acids, and Master Amino Pattern and all of them use identical formulations based on an expired patent.      

Optimal Amino, Fortagen, and Kion Aminos are all manufactured in compliance with pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices and are high quality products that are easy to find on the internet.   Optimal Amino offers the best value and lowest price per serving of all these options.

Can you gain muscle while losing fat?

Yes!   However, it takes discipline and a real focus on diet to do this!    One of the keys is obtaining optimal amounts of protein while not taking in too many calories.  

This is where supplemental use of Essential Amino Acids can help because you can get the equivalent of 100 grams of meat, fish, or chicken in just 20 grams of essential aminos at a fraction of the calories!   They are also quick and easy to digest.

How Often Do You Need to Consume Protein to Optimize Muscle Mass?

Practically speaking if you consume all your protein as whole food it is challenging for most to consume optimal amounts of protein each day without spreading it over several meals – even if you eat the highest quality protein sources such as Eggs, Meat, Chicken and Fish!

Is it true that you can only absorb and use a fixed maximum amount of protein in one meal?

The short answer is no!    Even though many fitness and medical professionals believe this to be true.  The research comparing people who consume all their protein in a short meal window each day versus those who spread it out is pretty consistent - it does not matter if you eat fewer meals with more protein per meal.

The take home message is to consume enough high-quality protein each day.   For most people eating anywhere from 3 – 6 meals a day is easiest to maintain when consuming optimal amounts of protein for muscle building.

As surprising as this may sound consider that humans have been on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years, and everyone alive today is a product of evolution of our forebears.    For almost all the time humans have existed we did NOT ration our protein intake throughout the day – our ancestors ate as much as they could when they had it!   The ability to absorb and use proteins in large meals is therefore built into us.

What is true is that your body adjusts to any specific dietary pattern over time by changing the levels of enzymes that breakdown, transport and use specific macronutrients including fat, protein, and carbohydrate.  In addition your body adjusts to meal timing as well.  Whenever you change your dietary pattern significantly it takes time for the body to adjust so keep this in mind and shift slowly to minimize discomfort!

Isn’t High Protein Bad for You?

There are persistent myths surrounding protein intake and kidney damage and bone loss which never seem to die despite mounds of research proving they are myths!

Unless you have kidney disease these fears are completely misplaced!    In addition, many studies have shown that increased protein intake in aging adults helps INCREASE bone density!

For more information on the science of amino acids checkout:

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Protein Intake for Muscle Building - Part 1


Everyone knows that protein intake is required to maintain or build muscle mass and lean tissue.  The tricky part is:

How Much Protein?

What Type/s of Protein?

How Often?


Read on to find out the answers to these questions!

How Much Protein is Required to Optimize Muscle Gain?

It is important to understand that your body cycles between building muscle and breaking it down – anabolic and catabolic phases.       The key to increasing muscle mass is to build more muscle mass then you breakdown.

A big part of preventing loss of muscle or building muscle is consuming enough protein each day.  The optimal amount is affected by:

Age - you need more protein per pound of bodyweight as you age because you absorb and deliver less protein to your cells as you age.

Your Size – the larger you are the more protein you need to consume.

Your activity level – the higher your activity level the more protein you need to consume because of increased protein breakdown (catabolism).

Protein Digestion/Absorption/Utilization – all proteins are not equal when it comes to maintaining and building lean mass and muscle.    Some are much more effective per gram consumed than other forms.     

While recommendations on daily protein intake vary – there IS a relationship between increased protein intake and muscle gain.

The scientific consensus is pretty consistent that a good figure to shoot for to maximize muscle gain is 1 gram per pound of bodyweight – ideally of a highly bioavailable protein that has a high rate of utilization (see below).

Consuming more than 1 gram per pound of bodyweight is NOT likely to assist with muscle gain and just adds calories that can make you get fatter!

What are the Best Types of Protein to Consume to Maximize Muscle Gain?

As mentioned previously the quality of a protein source matters a lot and varies quite considerably depending on protein source consumed.

Plant protein sources are the least efficient while Egg Protein and Meat, Fish and Chicken Proteins are the most efficient protein sources for muscle gain.   They have a much higher level of protein utilization meaning a much higher percentage of the protein you eat from these sources gets used to build lean tissue and muscle so you do not have to eat nearly as much to optimize muscle gains and prevent muscle loss.

As the chart above shows a significant portion of protein consumed is converted to sugar or fat based on the source so there is a wide range of protein utilization which is the key measure of quality.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 next week!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Avoiding the Nine Big Beginner Gym Mistakes


Click here to find out how to avoid the 9 Big Beginner Mistakes that prevent people from reaching their goals!: