Sunday, March 10, 2019
Is HIIT really better for Fat Loss than Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise?
The short answer is YES! Specifically a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted looking at 786 studies. Of these 41 and 36 of them were included in the qualitative and meta-analysis respectively. So what did the analysis show?
In particular SIT (Sprint Interval Training like Sprint 8) was shown to be highly effective. The conclusion of this meta-analysis of research was that while both Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise and and Interval Training both can reduce body fat percentage - interval training provides a 28.5% great reduction in total fat mass!
Perhaps more importantly, interval training can be done for a much shorter duration just 3 days per week and produce the same results as moderate intensity exercise which needs to be done more frequently and for longer periods of time.
This is analagous to comparing running and walking. Walking is great exercise and can easily be done by just about everyone to some extent. However if you compare running and walking you have to walk for a much longer period of time to get the same results - about twice as long to be exact!
Given that lack of time is the most often cited reason for people failing to exercise longer duration exercise that must be done more frequently creates big challenges for many. For this reason HIIT and SIT programs are much more practical and can be done in under 20 minutes three times per week and produce great results!
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