Monday, January 27, 2025

The Many Benefits of Redlight!


Redlight Therapy is becoming very popular.    So, what is red-light?  And what are the benefits?  

Whenever you go outside into sunlight you are experiencing many different parts of the Sun’s electromagnetic spectrum including:

UV - Ultraviolet Light – while eyes cannot sense Ultraviolet light – UV is responsible for tanning, sunburn, and production of Vitamin D

Far Infrared light – this is invisible to our eyes but we feel this as heat! 

Redlight – we see this quite literally as redlight and the percentage of the sun’s rays that are redlight are highest earlier and later in the day (think sunset or a campfire!).    

Blue light – think typical indoor lighting and your computer screen.  The sun has plenty of blue light earlier in the day and less late in the afternoon and evening when red takes over.    This type of light stimulates the brain and nervous system which is why it is a good idea to go outside early each day into the sunlight whenever possible.

NIR - Near Infrared Light – we cannot see this with our eyes but near infrared light has many benefits similar to the benefits of redlight.   About 40% of the Sun’s Rays consist of Near Infrared which is one of the reasons being in sunlight can have many benefits if you follow safe sun exposure rules!     To learn more about safe sun exposure see this blogpost: 

How does Redlight and Near Infrared Light Work?

Redlight and Near Infrared Light work through the Mitochondria of your cells.   You may remember Mitochondria from high-school biology as “the powerhouse of the cell.”   Almost all cellular energy comes from your mitochondria.   As we age we have less mitochondria and they function less well.   Redlight and Near Infrared Light increase oxygenation of the mitochondria resulting in big increases in cellular energy production.   More energy means better cell function.

What are the Benefits of Redlight and Near Infrared Light?

Redlight is extremely beneficial for the skin!   It stimulates collagen production and reduces inflammation which can improve skin structure, strength, and elasticity.    It can help improve many skin conditions including:


Alopecia (male pattern balding)

Reduction of stretch marks

Reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots

Improvement in psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema 

Most of the benefits of redlight therapy are skin deep but Near Infrared Light can penetrate much deeper into the body.     The benefits of near infrared light are similar to redlight including:

All the skin benefits provided by redlight.

Decreased joint and muscle pain including low back pain.

Improved wound healing.

Improved circulation and Recovery

Reduction in whole body inflammation

Increased white blood cell production.

Increased cellular metabolism.     

Near Infrared Light and Cellular Melatonin

Near Infrared Exposure also generates increased melatonin production in the cells it hits.  This is different than circulatory melatonin produced in your brain at night because it does not make you sleepy!  

Melatonin has been shown to have antioxidant and anticancer effects, to play a role in the regulation of blood pressure and glucose levels, is highly anti-inflammatory, and has also been shown to lower the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and mortality.

Melatonin exists in two main forms within the body – circulatory melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland and has its major effect on sleep and the circadian rhythm, and subcellular melatonin, which is produced and used locally by the mitochondria within our cells.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Preventing Colds and Flu through Vitamin D Supplementation


Optimal Vitamin D levels produce many benefits throughout the body including the prevention and treatment of many disorder ranging from Osteoporosis to improved heart health with reduction in heart attack risk to prevention of many different types of cancer.

During the winter in particular – high levels of Vitamin D are highly protective against illness including the flu.  However, you must get your blood levels high enough.  The tricky part is that the dose any individual needs to take to achieve ideal Vitamin D levels varies considerably from 600iu – 10,000iu per day!  Therefore you should test your Vitamin D levels overtime to determine your ideal daily dose!

The ideal way to get optimal levels of Vitamin D is to let your body create it through Safe Sun Exposure (see previous blog on this subject here:  However this is easier said than done – particularly in winter.   In addition, too much sun is clearly a strong risk factor for skin cancer!      Enter Vitamin D supplementation.

The form of Vitamin D to take is Vitamin D-3 not the Vitamin D-2 form and all experts agree on this!     However when it comes to dosage things get much trickier.  It is possible – although extremely rare - to overdose on Vitamin D supplements.   Vitamin D Toxicity only occurs when consuming huge daily doses for long periods of time.

This is why simple blood testing is recommended which can easily be done through a physician, but it is also legal to order your own Vitamin D test without a prescription.   The test you want is called a 25(OH)D blood test and is offered by all major labs.  

You can order an at home test on Amazon.   The at-home tests use a simple finger prick – then you put a drop of blood on the enclosed paper and send back in to the labs.    You can also order your own blood test online and go to a lab to have blood drawn.   For more information on ordering Vitamin D blood tests go here: or here:

Ideal versus Acceptable Blood Levels of Vitamin D

There is a big difference between what is considered “acceptable” or okay and ideal blood levels.   Here are the classifications of different blood levels of Vitamin D. according to the Vitamin D Council:

0 – 30 ng/mL is very low and considered a deficiency

30 – 39 ng/mL is better but still insufficient for optimal health and disease prevention.

40 – 100 ng/mL is optimal

Above 150 ng/mL is toxic!

The key is to test and if low take a supplement then retest 2 – 3 months after regular vitamin d use because each person is different in how much supplementation they need based on many factors including sun exposure and skin type.     The RDA for Vitamin D for infants is 400IU/10mcg.    For Children 1 – 13 and adults through age 70 the RDA is 600iu’s and for those over 70 the RDA is 800iu.

Unfortunately, these recommended dosages are way too low for many people who require much higher dosages to get into the optimal range.  This is the reason testing is really worthwhile – so you can optimize your Vitamin D dosage based on your genetics.   In many cases people need 4,000iu – 10,000iu or more per day for at least a month to get where they need to be for optimal health!   For dosing guidelines based on your blood levels check here:

Preventing Vitamin D Toxicity through the Co-Administration of Vitamin K-2

As stated above Vitamin D toxicity is very rare, and there is also a key co-factor that can decrease the chance of any toxicity when taking Vitamin D.   This co-factor is Vitamin K-2 (not to be confused with Vitamin K-1 found in many plants).    In an ideal world, you can get all the Vitamin K-1 you need from eating plenty of green, leafy vegetables, and your body can turn it into K-2.   Unfortunately, this conversion is lacking in many people.

More importantly K-2 is can be taken with Vitamin D.    K-2 is best taken as a supplement in the MK7 version which has been heavily researched and shown to improve bone health and prevent arterial calcification which can potentially occur with too much Vitamin D.    For a more complete understanding behind how K-2 works with Vitamin D and why it is a great idea to take the MK-7 vorm of K-2 with Vitamin D check out this article :

Taking 100 – 200 mcg per day of Vitamin K-2 will help optimize the effects of Vitamin D and minimize risks associated with Vitamin D Supplementation.   There are combined Vitamin D and K2 Supplements such as Now Mega D-3 and MK-7 which contains 5,000iu’s of Vitamin D and 180mcg of MK-7 form of K2.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Does the "30-30-30" Rule Work?

The 30-30-30 rule is trending high on TikTok and Google – but does it work?   The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up followed by 30 minutes of low intensity exercise.   Sounds great right?   Not so fast.

What are the Benefits of 30-30-30?

It encourages a high protein meal and hitting protein targets for the day is unquestionably important for all people and all goals – particularly anyone interested in maintaining lean muscle mass during weight loss or seniors who have accelerated loss of lean mass!

This habit helps encourage a consistent exercise routine – exercise done is better than ANY form of exercise you do not perform regularly!

What are the Downsides of the 30-30-30 rule?

There is no magic to 30-30-30 and there is no research that backs up the claim that 30-30-30 will “….strip fat off a human being faster than this….”

A one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for everyone.   For example, many people do not like to eat breakfast and enjoy high-intensity exercise safely and get great results from this type of program.

The rule does not take into account key lifestyle factors including sleep quality, stress management, and nutrient intake.

So if 30-30-30 isn’t magic what other simple advice does work?   Check out this article that lays out a proven and simple to follow strategy for weight loss:

Monday, January 6, 2025

Mastering the Kettlebell Swing


Kettlebells are very popular, and when used properly they are a fantastic tool!   However not everyone should attempt all the possible kettlebell exercise until they have a mastery of the basics which provide the necessary foundation for advancement.  For the kettlebell that foundation is all about mastering the Kettlebell Swing.

The swing is a hip hinge movement NOT a squat!    Most people do not know the difference which is the first challenge.  The following shows an unloaded hip hinge using a dowel (you can use a broomstick or anything light) to keep the spine in perfect alignment which is key!

Start by doing hip hinges holding a rod held at hips and head to groove hip hinge pattern – you should feel it in hamstrings (back of your leg) and butt! Also notice how the knees do NOT move forward over the toes showing that all the movement is occurring at the hip joint.  It is critical that you maintain contact between the rod and the back of your head, upper back and lower back throughout the movement - harder than you might think! Do NOT progress until you are doing perfect reps in sets of 20 or more reps and have fully grooved the movement pattern.
Next drop the rod and pick up the kettlebell holding it to your chest and repeat the hip hinge – if you feel it in your back you are doing something wrong!    See the picture below:

To insure you really feel the proper mechanics put toes/ball of foot up on thin board which forces weight into heels and repeat movement – you should really feel it in your hamstrings and glutes and be hinging NOT squatting!  This should really help to lock in the right technique.    See picture below:

Then progress to kettlebell deadlift – stand over the kettlebell with the bell between your heels – hip hinge (do NOT squat) to grip kettlebell handle with arms straight and shoulder retracted.  Stand-up by squeezing glutes and driving your hips forward but do not hyperextend.   Repeat until they have this movement grooved.    See pictures below:

Once you have mastered the deadlift you are ready to do swings!  Start with kettlebell on the floor in position as if you were going to hike a football.  You should be in a hip hinge position with your back flat, hips back, knees NOT flexed forward, with your hands holding top of kettlebell handle in hook grip, head in neutral position with your lats held tight and shoulders down as pictured below.

“Hike” kettlebell back between your legs bracing your core so that kettlebell is ABOVE the knees! Brace your core as kettlebell hits this bottom position.

Then extend the hips – your arms DO NOT lift kettlebell – they go along for the ride and go up from the hip snap – keep shoulders down and retracted and lats tight – the kettlebell should not rise above your shoulders.

Let kettlebell fall back and as it reaches the hips - hinge the hips back again.

At end of swing replace bell in front of body in hike position THEN relax your body and release bell.  It is VERY important to keep the hinge position and brace until bell is back in starting position.   To see a great video on this progression click here: This video made by Mike Boyle is one of the best there is to teach a kettlebell swing progression.

Once you have mastered the swing movement begin to link your breathing with the movement:  Inhale as you swing down and exhale sharply at top of swing.  Remember to brace your core as you hit the bottom of the swing.  Recommended starting weights are about 36lbs for men and 25 pounds for woman or if you have access to kettlebells marked in kilograms use 12 for woman and 16 for men.   Then slowly progress.

Once you have the movement do big sets of 20 – 40 reps and build to the point where you can complete 200 – 300 repetition in a workout 2 – 3 days per week.  When you get here you and everyone around you will start to notice a difference!