Monday, February 10, 2025

Dramatic Weight Loss and Health Benefits of Standing Desks


Can switching to a standing desk increase weight loss? The short answer is yes! If you switch from spending your 8 hours of work from sitting to standing there are some significant benefits including a significant increase in calorie burn.

A study on standing in the workplace showed that heart rate increased by approximately 10 beats per minute when standing vs sitting which translates to between 42 and 50 calories per minute!   This translates into an additional 336 – 400 calories per day!   This is a very significant increase in calorie burn and can help you lose between 20 – 28 lbs. over the course of a year if you keep your calorie intake the same.

Other proven benefits of standing at work using a standing desk include:

Improved blood sugar regulation: blood glucose levels return to normal more quickly after meals when people stand during work.

Reduced low back and neck pain: standing automatically tends to result in big improvements in posture translating to a lot less stress on the neck and low back.   Most low back and neck pain is caused by long term postural stresses which often come with sitting.

Increased energy levels:  most people find they have more energy when spending work time standing because of increased circulation and oxygen uptake.

Increased movement:  when people stand at work they are more likely to move and walk to and from their desk resulting in even greater calorie burn.

Increased focus and concentration: standing tends to reduce distractions and improve focus.   A study at Texas A&M found that first-year high school student who used standing desks showed improvements in focus, executive function, and memory. 

Increased productivity: workers tend to confer more with others in the office when standing.

Improved mood:  the take-a-stand project studied how standing at work affected people physiologically and mentally. One of the many benefits shown was significant improvements in all of the following areas:

Decreased mental fatigue

Improved feelings of vigor

Reduced feelings of tension

Improved self-esteem

A significant drop in depression

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