Monday, August 26, 2024

Does Red Meat Really Cause Cancer?

The latest round of inaccurate media hype concerning health and disease is that red meat consumption causes diabetes.   But is this really true and what about the study the media is quoting?

Big outlets including the New York Times pounced on the study titled “Meat consumption and incident of type 2 diabetes: an individual-participant federated meta-analysis….”   Sounds like a done deal right?    Not so fast!

The diet information reviewed was all self-reported – huge red flag on this!   Self-reported food intake is notoriously very inaccurate.    In addition, the study has a common flaw – confusing correlation with causation.    This is a frequent blind spot in many studies.

The idea that red meat consumption causes diabetes is just one of many possible explanations for the association the study found between red meat consumption and diabetes.

There are literally hundreds of other variables that could account for the increase in diabetes in the study.   For example, socioeconomic factors are known to influence health outcomes.  For instance, high intake of processed meats is often associated with lower income due to lower costs (think hot dogs, cured meats).   In addition, lower income people tend to have lower access to quality healthcare which could detect pre-diabetes and prevent progression to full diabetes.

Lower income groups also tend to engage in lower levels of known healthy behaviors like exercise, not smoking and not drinking alcohol.  In addition, since many people believe that meat is unhealthy, those most focused on being health often avoid meat – yet they engage in many other healthy behaviors.

Studies attempt to correct for these mitigating factors, but it is impossible to do this completely or account for every factor which might play a role.  Another significant factor that runs contrary to the study conclusions is that when we adjust for BMI (body mass index) the increased risk of diabetes is cut in half.     This leaves a 10% increased risk for every 100 grams per day of unprocessed meat, 15% for every 50 grams of processed meat, and 8% for every 100 grams per day of poultry.   Given that no study can account for all confounding variables, these numbers are very small and cause plenty of doubt about any causal relationship between red meat and diabetes.

In addition, when you dig into subpopulations in the study many showed no significant association between any form of meat and diabetes including Eastern Mediterranean or Southeast Asian populations.     More significantly none of the regions in Europe showed significant positive association between poultry intake and diabetes.

So long story short – this study ads no value in terms of providing evidence that red meat consumptions causes diabetes.     At the same time this is not evidence that people should increase red meat consumption – rather that in and of itself people should not fear that consuming red meat will cause them to have diabetes.

As always the best advice is to regularly exercise, avoid being overweight, avoid smoking, moderate or eliminate alcohol intake, and focus on a whole food diet with minimal amounts of processed foods!


Monday, August 19, 2024

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise


High levels of stress are being reported by most Americans!  About half of U.S. adults say that uncertainty about the future makes them feel that it is impossible to make plans for the future.   About a third say their stress levels are so high that they sometimes struggle with even basic decisions.   It has been estimated that 75 – 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. 

The great news is that exercise is extremely effective for reducing stress and relieving anxiety and depression!

Exercise Drives Multiple Pathways to Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Exercise boosts BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor) which improves learning and memory and literally acts like miracle grow for the brain. 

Through a separate action exercise causes muscles to help detoxify a toxic chemical called Kynurenine.   Kynurenine is produced from the faulty metabolism of tryptophan.   Under conditions of acute or chronic inflammation Kynurenine forms Quinolinic Acid instead of serotonin.  Excess Quinolinic acid is directly linked to major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia – Kynurenine clearance in exercised muscle cells suppresses this build-up in the brain. 

Overtime regular exercise remodels the brain’s reward system leading to higher levels of dopamine and more dopamine receptors.  Through this action exercise can both relieve depression and increase your capacity for joy. 

Exercise also boost levels of endocannabinoids (yep – the same ones that come from the cannabis plant!).  The “high” from exercise comes from a boost in endocannabinoids.   These endogenously produced chemicals dock on brain receptors and reduce anxiety and induce a state of contentment.    Studies have found that these brain changes help boost positive interactions with friends and family. 

The latest research even shows that lactate – produced during intense exercise – travels to the brain from muscles where it is produced – and alters brain chemistry in ways that can reduce anxiety and protect against depression.   

The Evidence on Effectiveness of Exercise for Anxiety and Depression 

A recent Metanalysis of 25 Randomized Controlled trials found that aerobic exercise improved depression – particularly for moderate or intense aerobic activity.  In addition, this metanalysis found that previous studies underestimated the power of exercise to control anxiety and depression. 

Intense aerobic exercise has also been found to be very effective in treating anxiety – specifically the lactic acid produced during intense intervals has been shown to have a strong anti-depressant effect.  Furthermore, lactic acid has been shown to be linked to improved REM/dream sleep.    After lactate is released by muscles, it travels through the bloodstream to the brain, where it can reduce anxiety and protect against depression.

An analysis of 15 different studies showed that aerobic exercise - especially high-intensity aerobic exercise - reduces symptoms of anxiety.   These anti-anxiety effects persisted for several months after cessation of the exercise.

All the participants in the studies had some degree of anxiety, with their condition falling on a spectrum that included anxiety disorders, raised anxiety levels, and raised anxiety sensitivity - a condition in which a person feels anxious about the physical symptoms that often accompany anxiety.   People on waiting lists for anxiety treatment who did not exercise served as comparisons.

They found that participants who engaged in both low and high-intensity aerobic exercise experienced greater improvements in their anxiety than non-exercising people on treatment waiting lists.  High-Intensity exercise reduced anxiety symptoms more effectively than low-intensity exercise.    The various interventions lasted between 10 weeks and six months, with participants exercising three times per week on average.

Multiple mechanisms are responsible for the anti-anxiety effects of exercise.  However, one key mechanism is lactate production from high-intensity exercise.   Increased lactate levels promote higher levels of norepinepherine and serotonin.   Low levels of these neurotransmitters can drive anxiety and the inability to handle stressful situation.

Resistance Training is also very effective for depression and this should come as no surprise in that resistance training produces a lot of lactate!  A recent meta-analysis of many studies on resistance training and depression found that resistance training caused significant and meaningful reductions in depression symptoms comparable to prescription anti-depression medication and behavioral therapies.

Monday, August 12, 2024

How to Deal with Oncoming Fall Allergy Symptoms Naturally


It's that time of year again - the late summer/fall allergy season.    Ragweed starts to really explode as we head into fall again and this can mean dealing with pretty severe symptoms in sufferers.   Treating allergies with nutrition and nutrition supplements can help control symptoms.   

Allergy medication most commonly comes in the form of Antihistamines, and there are some challenges with long-term use of these medications, and for many over they do not fully control symptoms.     It is now known that prolonged use of antihistamines decreases levels of acetylcholine which is a key neurotransmitter involved in memory and other important functions.   In fact, long-term use of antihistamine use increases the risk of senility, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in older adults.

What are Allergies Anyway?

Allergies are abnormal immune reactions to specific agents (proteins) known as antigens/allergens, which include many substances such as foods, drugs, pollens, dust mites, animal danders, feathers, along with many others. 

Allergies may also develop when an otherwise innocent substance has significant contact with an already inflamed surface (known as sensitization).  For example, when sick with a respiratory illness, respiratory surfaces are already inflamed and substances present at this time may be “remembered” as being foreign.  

Since there are multiple pro-inflammatory chemicals involved with allergies it is rare to obtain adequate control with single products/medications.  The most potent chemical mediators in allergies and asthma are leukotrienes.  Some leukotrienes are one thousand times more potent than histamine as stimulators of bronchial constriction and allergy. 

Interestingly, many medications that reduce one inflammatory pathway actually boost leukotrienes.  For example, Aspirin and other NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like Ibuprofen) result in the production of excessive levels of leukotrienes in sensitive individuals although they decrease prostaglandins associated with inflammation and thereby relive pain.  

Asthma is linked to allergies and can be a severe and life threatening condition.   Do NOT try to self-treat Asthma – see a physician!

Strategies for Allergies

Try to avoid allergens by using air filters, regularly cleaning all surfaces and vacuuming and keeping your air-conditioning system on while regularly changing filters to filter out as many allergens as possible.   Remember your car cabin filter as well, and take showers and wash clothes after being outside for long periods of time.   Consider installing an electrostatic filter along with UV light in your existing HVAC system - they are not cheap but they can dramatically reduce allergens, virus, and mold in your home.

Change your diet to reduce inflammation.  Dramatically reduce your intake of refined carbohydrate – sugar and starch which drive insulin which drives inflammation.  At the same time increase your intake of low glycemic, organic fruits and vegetables such as berries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc.   These plant foods contain polyphenols which are potent anti-oxidants and help to reduce inflammation and allergies without side effects.

Increase your intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids from cold water fish such as Alaskan Wild Salmon and/or take an Omega 3 Supplement such as Krill Oil.    Omega 3 fatty acids will always reduce inflammation if taken in sufficient dosages so this should be a primary strategy for allergy sufferers because they produce many side benefits.   The only exception is people taking any type of medication to thin blood and reduce clotting like Coumadin.   In this case the combination can be dangerous!

Nutritional Supplements for Allergies

There are several highly effective nutrition supplements for allergies including some key herbs.

Local Raw Honey – it MUST be local and must be raw because it will contain small amounts of local pollen and works by getting the body used to pollen much like an allergy shot.     A Tablespoon a day is as much as you need.   Many people swear by this simple and safe remedy!

Stinging Nettle Extract – this herb has a long history of effective use for allergies and freeze dried preparations seem to work the best and are best taken BEFORE allergy season even begins to put a damper on symptoms before they start – this is true of all nutritional approaches to allergy by the way!

Euphrasia Officianalis – aka “Eyebright” is an herb which name says it all – it is highly effective for eye allergy symptoms.

Quercetin – is a flavonoid contained in high amounts in apples, peppers, red wine, dark cherries and berries, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and sprouts, and raw red onions.   To treat allergies taking supplemental quercetin is the way to go and the best Quercetin Supplements are Quercetin Phytosome supplements. An excellent product is Mercola Quercetin and Pterostilbene which can be purchased on Amazon.  Two 250mg capsules a day is a good dose. Quercetin is also proven to decrease your chance of contracting a viral illness like the cold or flu by 9 times!

Boswellia Extract – Boswellia aka Frankincense (yes the herb mentioned in the bible!) can be highly effective for allergies and other forms of inflammation including arthritis because it blocks the formation of leukotrienes!    To get the benefits you must take 5-loxin which is a specific extract.   Note that in some individuals 5-loxin can cause or exacerbate heart burn so it is not for everyone, but when it works it can be highly effective!

Butterbur Extract – this plant extract can be highly effective for inhibiting leukotrienes and allergy symptoms or side effects.   You need to take a standardized extract with standardized levels of Petasin and Isopetasin) and free of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids aka PA.  High quality brands include Life Extension, Swanson, and Enzymatic Therapy to name a few.   This product can also help many migraine sufferers and is a well-researched, proven treatment.

NAC – N-Acetyl Cysteine - helps thin mucus naturally and boost levels of the body’s most important antioxidant Glutathione – every allergy sufferer should be taking 600 – 1,200mg per day!

You will also find combination of these ingredients in particular products, and it is worth experimenting a bit because if you find the right product or combination of natural products you can find relief without sedation and without the side effects associated with antihistamines and more potent drugs like steroid nasal sprays or oral steroids.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Benefits of Engaging Your Brain During Workouts!


A recent study reinforced an important concept – that including a mental challenge as part of a workout can produce significant benefits above and beyond merely challenging yourself mentally!  Researchers tested the effects of orienteering on brain function and memory – comparing it to just exercise at the same intensity.

The results - added to a growing amount of evidence – showed that you can dramatically enhance the cognitive benefits of exercise by adding in a mental challenge.   Exercise improves brain health in many ways both short and long term.      One big mechanism is an increase in BDNF – Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor – which acts like Miracle Grow for the brain.     In particular high intensity exercise and the lactate produced during it stimulate BDNF release.

This BDNF increase is particularly important in the Hippocampus area of the brain which is associated with learning and memory, and the Hippocampus shrinks during aging.

The researchers compared the effects of completing a 1.3 kilometer course in one of three conditions:  walking, running, or running while navigating – orienteering.    Running in both conditions produced higher lactate levels and the highest BDNF levels.    But only running with navigation produced better scores on a test of special memory.     In other words, the brain circuits that got the biggest boost where the ones that were used during the orienteering workout!

Another multicenter trial showed that a mix of aerobic exercise and cognitive training warded off cognitive decline more effectively than exercise alone.  

Adding in a mental challenge can be done many different ways such as using cardio machines with gaming components built in such as the Expresso Bikes or Echelon Bikes.