Sunday, September 22, 2024

How to Get More from Lunges!


Lunges are a staple exercise for most gym-goers, and there are many different varieties of lunges.    Most of us have been taught to keep the torso upright when we lunge.  While this is not wrong per say – there is another way to perform the lunge that can place more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings.

When you keep your torso fully upright you tend to place more load on the knees and quads – particularly if you allow your front knee to track forward over your toes.   Instead try hip hinging slightly as you lunge allowing the torso to angle forward over the front thigh.  

Keep the shoulders back and down.   Your upper body should not slump – we want to hinge from the hip.    When using dumbbells allow them to come forward ahead of the knees more.    By keep hips and knees back while moving weight forward more of the load is placed directly on the glutes, and at the same time you are putting the glutes in a stretched position.    Done properly there is more emphasis on the glutes and they go through a great range of motion without stressing the knees. 

It is important to keep a straight line from your tailbone through the top of your head – hip hinge but do not let the spine flex or bend.

To get a good feel for the form check out this video:

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