Friday, November 30, 2012

Photojournalist's fitness journey continues in the Knoxville Journal

This ongoing series in The Knoxville Journal chronicles one journalist's journey to personal fitness with Workout Anytime.  He has already profiled two of the outstanding personal trainers at Workout Anytime Powell, and this week he introduces us to a third member of the team.    

Workout Anytime for everyone
By Wes Hall for The Knoxville Journal

In mid-September, this 61-year-old photojournalist joined a Workout Anytime Powell Boot Camp to get more fit, increase stamina, improve my cardiovascular health. and hopefully lose some weight. After 12 weeks, I am proud to say I am still on track to reach my goals. So far, I have accomplished what I consider a lot more than I had hoped. I have lost nearly 20 pounds, bringing four inches off my waist. I am eating more healthily. My energy level has increased as my blood sugar has gone down. Those who don’t see me often comment on how much younger I look, even though I have since let my white beard grow out.

At Workout Anytime Powell, the Boot Camp makes it easier to participate, because working out becomes a part of the weekly routine. When left on our own, many would procrastinate. I didn’t believe before I started I really had time for it. It didn’t take long for me to realize that an hour a day, three days a week for 13 weeks could make so much of a difference. The difference is not only a healthier lifestyle now, but 50 hours of exercise could add a few years to my time here on earth. Perhaps, I will get to enjoy future grandchildren despite my diabetes and heart disease.

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